Aquatec Pure Water Consultants

Full information about Establishment Aquatec Pure Water Consultants at 1, 38 Midland Road, Bristol, England BS16 4NW. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


1, 38 Midland Road, Bristol, England BS16 4NW
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Phone number:
+44 117 910 9988



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Aquatec Pure Water Consultants

Reviews about Aquatec Pure Water Consultants

  • David Wenn
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    "We are pleased to have had Colin the Installer come in and fit the unit. He was friendly and helpful, informative about the system and tidied up afterwards.
    We are certainly noticing the difference in the water quality. Our water is a lot 'softer' both in drinking, washing etc, my tea and coffee taste a whole lot better. Furthermore having bought a Soda Stream machine, the water that is put into the jug to chill makes a big difference to the flavoured drinks. We are now not having to use so much in the way of cleaning products, washing powder and bath cleansers, so it is starting to help save money. We would recommend to prospected purchasers to invest in the pure water system and enjoy the benefits in a short time and see an improved difference all round!"

    This review is written on the behalf of Mr & Mrs Bodger - Cowley, Buckinghamshire
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Water Purification from Aquatec - the Pure Water People
Aquatec provide unique water purification systems that purify your drinking, cooking and household water. Call us today for a free demonstration
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